Soleil Synchrotron
  • Vie scientifique
  • Formation

4 days training in synchrotron radiation techniques

L3, M1 & M2 students. 3rd edition of the École Rayonnement Synchrotron pour l'Étude des Matériaux - from 24 to 28 June 2024.

Call for projects 2024 - Postdoc contracts - Closed

Funding of 2 postdoctoral contracts in the following areas: Innovative materials for a sustainable society or Fundamental challenges in materials science. Deadline for submission of

Results of AAP 2024 - doctoral contracts

3 winning projects for 12 projects, 10 of which were submitted by SU laboratories and two by UTC laboratories. The strategic and management committees appreciated

Before the 10th june - IMAT call for Excellence Scholarships for international Master student at Sorbonne Université

IMAT offers excellence scholarships for international students accepted in Master Programs at Sorbonne University

iMAT: a thematic institute of the Sorbonne University Alliance

The Institut de Science des Matériaux is an interdisciplinary research centre dedicated to meeting the major scientific, industrial and societal challenges of materials science. The Institute's research projects and outreach activities are part of the necessary response to the common challenges of environmental transition.

5 disciplines

chemistry, physics, earth sciences, heritage, engineering

24 laboratories

from SU Alliance

+500 permanent employees

researchers, engineers, technicians

2 axes

INNOVATIVE MATERIALS for a sustainable society / FUNDAMENTAL CHALLENGES in materials science

PhD students

3-year research projects

10 post-docs

1-year research projects

10 exploratory grants

10 k€ for 2 years

50 excellence scholarships

International mobility

Chiffres-clés Imat