Soleil Synchrotron
  • Vie scientifique

4 days training in synchrotron radiation techniques

L3, M1 & M2 students. 3rd edition of the École Rayonnement Synchrotron pour l'Étude des Matériaux - from 24 to 28 June 2024.




Introduce students to an essential tool for studying materials

Techniques using synchrotron radiation have become an essential tool for researching and studying materials.

This 4-day school is aimed primarily at L3 undergraduates and M1 and M2 Masters students: it is an educational introduction, illustrated by numerous examples, to the various fields of materials science.

The school offers educational presentations, a visit to the synchrotron and several light lines.

The course is organised in partnership with SOLEIL Synchrotron and the Institut de Science des Matériaux.

Practical information

Dates : from 24 to 28 June 2024
Lieu :  Campus Jussieu et une journée au Synchrotron Soleil
Inscription : free but compulsory.
the number of places: as places are limited, valid registrations commit you to taking part in the entire school.

-> formulaire d'inscription


  • Introduction au rayonnement synchrotron et interaction rayonnement-matière : Amélie Juhin
  • Spectroscopie d'Absorption des rayons X : Delphine Cabaret
  • Spectroscopie de Photoélectrons : Emmanouil Frantzeskakis
  • Diffraction des rayons X : Benoît Baptiste
  • Matériaux Quantiques : Geoffroy Prévot et Philippe Sainctavit
  • Matériaux du Patrimoine : Emeline Pouyet
  • Biominéraux : Yannicke Dauphin
  • Applications aux Sciences de la Terre : Chrystèle Sanloup
  • Matériaux Biologiques : Hester Colboc et Elise Bouderlique
  • Physico-Chimie : Fabrice Bournel et Jean-Jacques Gallet
  • Applications aux Sciences de l'Environnement : Guillaume Morin
  • Visite du synchrotron SOLEIL et de lignes de lumière