Écoles et séminaires

Mobility grants for masters

The Institute of Materials Science funds incoming and outgoing mobility grants for master's level students in disciplines directly related to materials science.

Mobility grants for masters

La cellule Formation par la Recherche d'iMAT

Mobility grants are managed by the IMAT Training through Research Unit, composed of :

  • Max Marangolo (Physics)
  • Sophie Cassaignon (Chemistry)
  • Corrado Maurini (Mechanics),
  • Anne Jost (Earth Sciences)
  • Fahmi Bedoui (UTC)

Les dispositifs de l'institut

Incoming mobility at the final year of the Master's program (M2)

Scholarship of 7000 euros cumulated with the internship bonus (~450 euros/month).

Students eligible for this scholarship program must meet the following criteria:

  • Be of foreign nationality.
  • Not already hold a French national higher education diploma.
  • Students must demonstrate educational achievements equivalent to the French Master 1.

In addition to these general criteria, each Master program will apply its own selection criteria.

The Master's programs concerned by this system are

Sorbonne Université

Université Technologique de Compiègne

Write directly to the referent of the program concerned, sending CV and transcripts.

Outgoing mobility at M1 and M2 level

Scholarships can be combined with any other funding scheme (ERASMUS, SU, Scholarships, Region,...).

The amount of these grants may vary, but the student may receive a maximum of 1000 euros/month for stays of between 3 and 8 months.

Students eligible for this scholarship program must be enrolled in one of the following masters programs:

Sorbonne Université

Université Technologique de Compiègne

Each Master's program will apply its own selection criteria. Applicants should contact directly the person in charge of international mobility in the Training Department.