School GDR HPero 2024

Metal Halide Perovskites for Optoelectronics : from Fundamental to Devices - October 6-11th, Roscoff, France.

  • From 06 Oct. 2024 to 11 Oct. 2024

  • Roscoff, France.

  • Maria Chamarro

An event supported by the Institute of Materials Science

Metal halide perovskites have recently emerged quite spectacularly as innovative semiconductor materials with exceptional optoelectronic properties and interesting performances in various application areas such as solar cells, light-emitting diodes, lasers or photodetectors. More recently, new emerging applications have been proposed as thermoelectric, photocatalytic, spintronic or photonic devices.

This school is organized under the auspices of the French CNRS groupe de recherche HPERO. The objective is to give participants a complete and solid knowledge of the physics and chemistry of metal halide perovskite materials, their properties, their development and shaping and the different possible applications in optoelectronics.