Le parcours de master "Physique et chimie des matériaux"

The ‘Physics and Chemistry of Materials’ Masters course

The ‘Physics and Chemistry of Materials’ Masters course

Background and current situation

Materials Science is a field in which multidisciplinary skills are required. The compartmentalisation of physics and chemistry into separate Masters departments has led the latter to develop separate ‘research’ pathways in the field of Materials.

However, the research activities underlying these Masters courses are marked by fruitful interactions between the two disciplines, which have already been encouraged by the Labex MATISSE and which are also a priority for the Sorbonne's Materials Science Institute.

This need for bi-disciplinarity has been perfectly matched by the introduction of the major-minor or double-major structure of the Bachelor's degree at Sorbonne University.

The Physics and Chemistry of Materials pathway

As a result, since the start of the 2016 academic year, Sorbonne University's Faculty of Science has been offering, with the support of LabEx MATISSE, a two-year Master's course, the Physics and Chemistry of Materials course .

This Master's course enables :

the sharing of teaching units between the two Masters courses over 3 semesters (M1S1, M1S2 and M2S3),
special interaction between the Chemistry and Physics laboratories for the work placements on offer,
mobility grants (funded by LabEx MATISSE until 2019).
Find out more about the Physics and Chemistry of Materials programme