Materials, Research, Innovation” training courses
An important mission of the Institute of Materials Science is to participate in the training and information of students. For 2022, iMAT is organizing a second cycle of seminars open to all, and specifically aimed at masters and doctoral students, on professional integration in industrial research.
The second iMAT training cycle - February to March 2022
From January to March 2021, iMAT organized its first cycle of seminars, open to all and particularly aimed at masters and doctoral students. In the form of lectures followed by discussion, iMAT offered meetings with eminent researchers who presented their backgrounds and specialties, as well as the challenges they face in their chosen fields.
The interest shown in this first event has prompted the institute to repeat the experience for a second edition focusing on the professional integration of young university researchers into the world of industrial research in materials science.
This cycle is set to become a permanent fixture, with the aim of helping young students and researchers to explore the many facets of materials science: interdisciplinarity, the diversity of professions, professional fields and the richness of research.