iMAT: a thematic institute of the Sorbonne University Alliance
The Institut de Science des Matériaux is an interdisciplinary research centre dedicated to meeting the major scientific, industrial and societal challenges of materials science. The Institute's research projects and outreach activities are part of the necessary response to the common challenges of environmental transition.
Ça se passe à l'iMat
Toutes nos actualités
2025 call for 4 doctoral research projects
Nos événements
Tous nos événementsMeeting with Hiroshi Kageyama, Ambassador of CNRS Chimie
Le 23 Jan. 2025
5 disciplines
chemistry, physics, earth sciences, heritage, engineering
24 laboratories
from SU Alliance
+500 permanent employees
researchers, engineers, technicians
2 axes
INNOVATIVE MATERIALS for a sustainable society / FUNDAMENTAL CHALLENGES in materials science
PhD students
3-year research projects
10 post-docs
1-year research projects
10 exploratory grants
10 k€ for 2 years
50 excellence scholarships
International mobility