Artificial Intelligence for Materials and Nanoscience

Institute research projects

Since its creation in 2020, the institute has financed :

  • 20 doctoral contracts,
  • 12 post-doctoral contracts,
  • 10 exploratory grants.
  • These projects are the winners of calls for research projects led by the institute, in cooperation with the IFD for doctoral contracts.
Institute research projects
Année Axe Projet Lauréat Porteurs et laboratoires
2020 2

TOOTHMIMIC: Enzyme-assisted mineralization
for the design of biomimetic enamel

Brittany Foley

Karim El Kirat (BMBI)
Jessem Landoulsi (LRS)

2020 1 Design of heterostructurated photoelectrodes
for water splitting
Adeline Blot Olivier Durupthy (LCMCP)
Christel Laberty-Robert (LCMCP)
2020 1 Elucidating interplay, stability and charge transfer dynamics
at lead halide perovskite nanocrystal / 2D transition metal
dichalcogenide interface for solar cells applications
Ali Azmat Nadine Witkowski (INSP)
2021 3 Investigation of nanoparticle size effect
on the properties of nano-reinforced polymers
Sakina Meftah Fahmi Bedoui ( ROBERVAL)
Isabelle Lisiecki (MONARIS)
2021 3 Investigation of the crystal field
in rare-earth titanate pyrochlores
by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering
Octave Ducros

Gheorghes Chiuzbaian (LCPMR)
Amélie Juhin (IMPMC)

2021 4 Nanocystal-based micro-lasers
for biological sensing
Charlie Kersuzan Thomas Pons (LPEM)
Agnès Maitre (INSP)
2021 4 Growth and Characterization of Bidimentionnal Pb Layers
on Silicon Carbide Substrates
Axel Malécot Marie D'angelo (INSP)
Geoffroy Prévot (INSP)
2021 3 Iron Oxides under extreme pressure
and temperature condition
for planetary interiors
Juan  Pintor Delphine Cabaret (IMPMC)
Marion Harmand (IMPMC)
2021 3 Comprehensive Study of Polymeric Materials
in Ancient Paintings by a Multimodal Analysis
Gauthier  Rosé

Alain Brunelle (LAMS)
Michel Sablier (CRC)

2022 2 Cycleable & cheap catalysts for hydrogen storage and release by organic liquids Mathieu Delom

Juliette Blanchard (LRS)
Petit Christophe (MONARIS)
Marc Petit (IPCM)

2022 1/2 Computing RedOx properties in Solution (CREPS) Maxime Labat Guillaume Jeanmairet  (PHENIX)
Mathieu Salanne (PHENIX)
Emmanuel Giner (LCT)       
2022 2 Insertion Material for (Photo)Catalytic Hydrogen Production (IMatH2) Rémi Gaultier Natacha Krins (LCMCP)
 Cedric Boissière (LCMCP)
Hubert Perrot (LISE)
2022 2 2D/0D Heterostructure for IR Light Absorption/Detection Lam Nuyen Do Johan Biscaras (IMPMC)
Emmanuel Lhuillier (INSP)
2023 4 High pressure reactive ammonia: an innovative route to synthesize new metal hydrides Gisele de Lima Hippler Yann LeGodec (IMPMC)
Sandra Ninet (IMPMC)
2023 3 Seeing in the dark: Dynamics in opaque porous materials Adam Carter Sophie Marbach (PHENIX)
Laurent Michot (PHENIX)
2023 4 Spatiotemporal Study of Exciton Transport in Oriented Nanocrystal Arrays Matias Feldman James Utterback (INSP)
Emmanuelle Lacaze (INSP)
2023   Ultrafast dynamics of magnetic anisotropy and magnetic structure in CoTb and FeTb ferrimagnetic alloys Mohamed Hemili Boris Vodungbo (LCPMR)
Emmanuelle Jai (LCPMR)

Matériaux innovants

Biobased Acids-homoCYSteine Thiolactone-based monomers for new generation of superabsorbent polymers (BACYST)    

Louise Faille

Nicolas Illy (IPCM)
Fanny Coumes (IPCM - Equipe de Chimie des Polymères)
Marcellan Allba (SIMM)   

2024 Challenges fondamentaux

Magnetic Excitations in Functional Oxide Thin Films: Beyond Single Magnons    

Nora Lahmiti

Marcel Hennes (INSP) 
Amélie Juhin (IMPMC)

2024 Matériaux innovants

Non-Newtonian coflows in a coupled microfluidic-electrospinning setup    

Isabella Zarpellon

Anne Le Goff (BMBI)
José Maria Fullana (Institut Jean Le Rond d'Alembert)
Timothée Baudequin (BMBI)


Année Axe Projet Lauréat Porteurs et laboratoires
2020 2 Sensing and Profiling Extracellular Vesicles
related to Neurodegenerative Diseases
Fadoua Sallem Souhir Boujday (LRS)
Christian Neri (Inserm-IBPS B2A)
2020 1 Utilisation de carbonates amorphes produits par des bactéries
pour la dépollution de radioisotopes d’alcalino-terreux
Neha Metha Karim Benzerara (IMPMC)
Thierry Azais (LCMCP)
2020 1 Aggregation of clay nanoplatelets:
time-resolved SAXS and NMR investigation
Anthony Beauvois Natalia Malikova (PHENIX)
Francois Ribot (LCMCP)
2021 3 Caractérisation de matériaux composites à fibres courtes via des modèles micromécaniques avancés Oscar Luis Cruz Gonzales

Rémi Cornaggia,
Renald Brenner
(Institut Jean le Rond D’Alembert)

2021 4 Investigations of bone wastes as advanced energy displays Camila Bussola Tovani

Nadine Nassif (LCMCP)
Ozlem Sel (LISE)

2022 2 Tuning electrOnic ProPerties In Nanoparticles of Gold – TOPPING Shiva Moradmandpainroodposhti

Anna Levy (INSP)
Christophe Methivier (LRS)

2022 1 Synthèse et biodégradation de polymères biosourcés à partir de dérivé d’acide oléique Zhao Zhang Philippe Guegan (IPCM)
Frédéric Delbecq (TIMR-UTC)


Operando Photoemission for Electrochemistry of Nanoparticles During ORR Rouba Moussaoui Jean-Jacques Gallet (LCPMR), Christophe Petit (MONARIS), Emmanuel Maisonhaute (LISE)
2023   Unconventional superconductivity in two-dimensional surface alloys with high spin-orbit interaction.
Arindam Mukheree Sergio Vlaic (LPEM-ESPCI), Tristan Cren (INSP)
Probing organisation and scaffold flexibility of hydrogels: a combined NMR and NMRD approach Ruth Zlanseu Anne-Laure Rollet (PHENIX), Natalie Malikova (PHENIX), François Ribot (LCMCP)
2024   Phases complexes dans les mélanges eau-ammoniac en conditions extrêmes: désordre, plasticité, super-ionicité -- en cours --

Simon Huppert (INSP), Frederic Datchi (IMPMC) Thomas Ple (LCT)

2024   Démélange spectral assisté par l’intelligence artificielle pour les oeuvres d’art peintes Patrícia Giménez Barrera Emeline Pouyet (CRC-MnHn), Tsveta Miteva (LCPMR), Anne Michelin (CRC-MnHn)


Année Axe Projet Porteurs et laboratoires
2020   Développement de matériaux issus de la biomasse pour un procédé catalytique de dépollution des eaux (SilkDepol) Erwann Guenin (TIMR)
2020   Modulating the structural dimensionality in complex oxides to enable reversible aluminium ion intercalation Damien Dambournet (PHENIX)
2020   Valorization of Bio-Ethanol by Controlling the Selectivity in Various Reactions Catalyzed by Bioinspired Modified Hydroxyapatites Guylène Costentin (LRS)
2020   Ageing/alteration of organic materials: Implications for the search for biosignatures on Mars Sylvain Bernard (IMPMC)
2020   Modéliser pour maîtriser les étapes de réduction/nucléation pour la synthèse de Nanoparticules de cuivre métalliques Hélène Gerard (LCT)
2021   Two-dimensional topological superconductivity in Kitaev materials Jean-Noel Fuchs (LPTMC)
2021   Caractérisation multi-échelle
des phases métalliques des météorites
Matthieu Gounel (IMPMC)
Mathieu Roskosz (IMPMC)
2021   Electronic properties of strained antimonene and graphene/antimonene heterostructures Dimitri Roditchev  (ESPCI)
Sergio Vlaic (LPEM)
2021   Matériaux fonctionnels par encodage génétique des interfaces molles - Functional materials by genetic encoding of soft interfaces

Damien Baigl (PASTEUR)
Cécile Monteux (SIMM)

2021   Matériaux pérovskites pour l'electronique de demain

Maria Chamarro (INSP)
Emmanuel Lhuillier (INSP)