Institute research projects
Since its creation in 2020, the institute has financed :
- 20 doctoral contracts,
- 12 post-doctoral contracts,
- 10 exploratory grants.
- These projects are the winners of calls for research projects led by the institute, in cooperation with the IFD for doctoral contracts.
Année | Axe | Projet | Lauréat | Porteurs et laboratoires |
2020 | 2 |
TOOTHMIMIC: Enzyme-assisted mineralization |
Brittany Foley |
Karim El Kirat (BMBI) |
2020 | 1 | Design of heterostructurated photoelectrodes for water splitting |
Adeline Blot | Olivier Durupthy (LCMCP) Christel Laberty-Robert (LCMCP) |
2020 | 1 | Elucidating interplay, stability and charge transfer dynamics at lead halide perovskite nanocrystal / 2D transition metal dichalcogenide interface for solar cells applications |
Ali Azmat | Nadine Witkowski (INSP) |
2021 | 3 | Investigation of nanoparticle size effect on the properties of nano-reinforced polymers |
Sakina Meftah | Fahmi Bedoui ( ROBERVAL) Isabelle Lisiecki (MONARIS) |
2021 | 3 | Investigation of the crystal field in rare-earth titanate pyrochlores by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering |
Octave Ducros |
Gheorghes Chiuzbaian (LCPMR) |
2021 | 4 | Nanocystal-based micro-lasers for biological sensing |
Charlie Kersuzan | Thomas Pons (LPEM) Agnès Maitre (INSP) |
2021 | 4 | Growth and Characterization of Bidimentionnal Pb Layers on Silicon Carbide Substrates |
Axel Malécot | Marie D'angelo (INSP) Geoffroy Prévot (INSP) |
2021 | 3 | Iron Oxides under extreme pressure and temperature condition for planetary interiors |
Juan Pintor | Delphine Cabaret (IMPMC) Marion Harmand (IMPMC) |
2021 | 3 | Comprehensive Study of Polymeric Materials in Ancient Paintings by a Multimodal Analysis |
Gauthier Rosé |
Alain Brunelle (LAMS) |
2022 | 2 | Cycleable & cheap catalysts for hydrogen storage and release by organic liquids | Mathieu Delom |
Juliette Blanchard (LRS) |
2022 | 1/2 | Computing RedOx properties in Solution (CREPS) | Maxime Labat | Guillaume Jeanmairet (PHENIX) Mathieu Salanne (PHENIX) Emmanuel Giner (LCT) |
2022 | 2 | Insertion Material for (Photo)Catalytic Hydrogen Production (IMatH2) | Rémi Gaultier | Natacha Krins (LCMCP) Cedric Boissière (LCMCP) Hubert Perrot (LISE) |
2022 | 2 | 2D/0D Heterostructure for IR Light Absorption/Detection | Lam Nuyen Do | Johan Biscaras (IMPMC) Emmanuel Lhuillier (INSP) |
2023 | 4 | High pressure reactive ammonia: an innovative route to synthesize new metal hydrides | Gisele de Lima Hippler | Yann LeGodec (IMPMC) Sandra Ninet (IMPMC) |
2023 | 3 | Seeing in the dark: Dynamics in opaque porous materials | Adam Carter | Sophie Marbach (PHENIX) Laurent Michot (PHENIX) |
2023 | 4 | Spatiotemporal Study of Exciton Transport in Oriented Nanocrystal Arrays | Matias Feldman | James Utterback (INSP) Emmanuelle Lacaze (INSP) |
2023 | Ultrafast dynamics of magnetic anisotropy and magnetic structure in CoTb and FeTb ferrimagnetic alloys | Mohamed Hemili | Boris Vodungbo (LCPMR) Emmanuelle Jai (LCPMR) |
2024 |
Matériaux innovants |
Biobased Acids-homoCYSteine Thiolactone-based monomers for new generation of superabsorbent polymers (BACYST) |
Louise Faille |
Nicolas Illy (IPCM) |
2024 | Challenges fondamentaux |
Magnetic Excitations in Functional Oxide Thin Films: Beyond Single Magnons |
Nora Lahmiti |
Hebatalla ELNAGGAR (IMPMC) |
2024 | Matériaux innovants |
Non-Newtonian coflows in a coupled microfluidic-electrospinning setup |
Isabella Zarpellon |
Anne Le Goff (BMBI) |
Année | Axe | Projet | Lauréat | Porteurs et laboratoires |
2020 | 2 | Sensing and Profiling Extracellular Vesicles related to Neurodegenerative Diseases |
Fadoua Sallem | Souhir Boujday (LRS) Christian Neri (Inserm-IBPS B2A) |
2020 | 1 | Utilisation de carbonates amorphes produits par des bactéries pour la dépollution de radioisotopes d’alcalino-terreux |
Neha Metha | Karim Benzerara (IMPMC) Thierry Azais (LCMCP) |
2020 | 1 | Aggregation of clay nanoplatelets: time-resolved SAXS and NMR investigation |
Anthony Beauvois | Natalia Malikova (PHENIX) Francois Ribot (LCMCP) |
2021 | 3 | Caractérisation de matériaux composites à fibres courtes via des modèles micromécaniques avancés | Oscar Luis Cruz Gonzales |
Rémi Cornaggia, |
2021 | 4 | Investigations of bone wastes as advanced energy displays | Camila Bussola Tovani |
Nadine Nassif (LCMCP) |
2022 | 2 | Tuning electrOnic ProPerties In Nanoparticles of Gold – TOPPING | Shiva Moradmandpainroodposhti |
Anna Levy (INSP) |
2022 | 1 | Synthèse et biodégradation de polymères biosourcés à partir de dérivé d’acide oléique | Zhao Zhang | Philippe Guegan (IPCM) Frédéric Delbecq (TIMR-UTC) |
2023 |
Operando Photoemission for Electrochemistry of Nanoparticles During ORR | Rouba Moussaoui | Jean-Jacques Gallet (LCPMR), Christophe Petit (MONARIS), Emmanuel Maisonhaute (LISE) |
2023 | Unconventional superconductivity in two-dimensional surface alloys with high spin-orbit interaction. |
Arindam Mukheree | Sergio Vlaic (LPEM-ESPCI), Tristan Cren (INSP) | |
2023 | Probing organisation and scaffold flexibility of hydrogels: a combined NMR and NMRD approach | Ruth Zlanseu | Anne-Laure Rollet (PHENIX), Natalie Malikova (PHENIX), François Ribot (LCMCP) | |
2024 | Phases complexes dans les mélanges eau-ammoniac en conditions extrêmes: désordre, plasticité, super-ionicité | -- en cours -- |
Simon Huppert (INSP), Frederic Datchi (IMPMC) Thomas Ple (LCT) |
2024 | Démélange spectral assisté par l’intelligence artificielle pour les oeuvres d’art peintes | Patrícia Giménez Barrera | Emeline Pouyet (CRC-MnHn), Tsveta Miteva (LCPMR), Anne Michelin (CRC-MnHn) |
Année | Axe | Projet | Porteurs et laboratoires |
2020 | Développement de matériaux issus de la biomasse pour un procédé catalytique de dépollution des eaux (SilkDepol) | Erwann Guenin (TIMR) |
2020 | Modulating the structural dimensionality in complex oxides to enable reversible aluminium ion intercalation | Damien Dambournet (PHENIX) | |
2020 | Valorization of Bio-Ethanol by Controlling the Selectivity in Various Reactions Catalyzed by Bioinspired Modified Hydroxyapatites | Guylène Costentin (LRS) | |
2020 | Ageing/alteration of organic materials: Implications for the search for biosignatures on Mars | Sylvain Bernard (IMPMC) | |
2020 | Modéliser pour maîtriser les étapes de réduction/nucléation pour la synthèse de Nanoparticules de cuivre métalliques | Hélène Gerard (LCT) | |
2021 | Two-dimensional topological superconductivity in Kitaev materials | Jean-Noel Fuchs (LPTMC) Vidal |
2021 | Caractérisation multi-échelle des phases métalliques des météorites |
Matthieu Gounel (IMPMC) Mathieu Roskosz (IMPMC) |
2021 | Electronic properties of strained antimonene and graphene/antimonene heterostructures | Dimitri Roditchev (ESPCI) Sergio Vlaic (LPEM) |
2021 | Matériaux fonctionnels par encodage génétique des interfaces molles - Functional materials by genetic encoding of soft interfaces |
Damien Baigl (PASTEUR) |
2021 | Matériaux pérovskites pour l'electronique de demain |
Maria Chamarro (INSP) |