Investigation of the crystal electric field in rare-earth titanate pyrochlores by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering
Soutenance d'Octave Duros - Lundi 18 novembre 2024
The isostructural pyrochlores (where is a rare-earth) have sparked a vivid interest over the last decades due to exciting exciting properties such as quantum spin ice or quantum spin liquid magnetic behaviors. Understanding them represents a major challenge for materials science, both experimentally and theoretically. One of the essential ingredients needed for the correct description of those magnetic properties is the precise knowledge of the crystal electric field (CEF) acting on the rare-earth sites .
Up to now, established approaches have delivered CEF descriptions with large uncertainties. The goal of my PhD thesis is thus to tackle this problem by using new instrumental and original theoretical developments to open a new approach to the CEF characterization in compounds. CEF effets acting on levels are explored using using a high resolution element selective spectroscopy performed at synchrotron facilities, resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) to probe ff excitations at the rare-earth edges ( d → f transition). RIXS spectra are then confronted to calculations undertaken in the framework of the crystal-field multiplet theory assisted by a supervised machine learning approach. This confrontation allows the precise analysis of the CEF effects in the series.
- Kristina Kvashnina, Professeure (Université Grenoble Alpes) – Rapporteuse
- Daniel Malterre, Professeur (Université de Nancy) – Rapporteur
- Laura Chaix, Chargée de recherche (CNRS) – Examinatrice
- Rodrigue Lezcouëzec, Professeur (Sorbonne Université) – Examinateur
- Sylvain Petit, Directeur de recherche (CEA) – Examinateur
- Gheorghe Sorin Chiuzbăian, Professeur (Sorbonne Université) – Co-directeur de thèse
- Amélie Juhin, Directrice de recherche (CNRS) – Co-directrice de thèse