Meeting with Hiroshi Kageyama, Ambassador of CNRS Chimie
Organized by the Institut de science des matériaux and the Laboratoire de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Paris.
Le 23 Jan. 2025
09:00 - 12:30
Amphi Charpak, niveau Saint-Bernard, Tours 22/23
The Institut de science des matériaux and the Laboratoire de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Paris welcome Professor Hiroshi Kageyama to the Pierre et Marie Curie campus on Thursday, January 23, as part of his visit to French laboratories as Ambassador of CNRS Chimie (https://www.inc.cnrs.fr/fr/les-ambassadeurs-de-cnrs-chimie).
Hiroshi Kageyama is a chemist and physicist specializing in solid state science. In 2010, he founded his laboratory as a professor in the Department of Energy and Hydrocarbon Chemistry at Kyoto University Graduate School of Engineering (http://www.ehcc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/eh10/). Today, he is an advisor to the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and Managing Director of the JST Future Material Project. He also heads the Core-to-Core on Mixed Anion Research for Energy Conversion project, which brings together six countries (Japan, Germany, Belgium, China, France, UK) and over eighty researchers and students.
Key words: solid state chemistry, multi-anion compounds, new synthesis routes, heterogeneous catalysis, magnetism
9:15-9:30 : Accueil
- 9:30-9:45 : Introduction (Sophie Guillaume, Directrice Adjointe Scientifique de CNRS Chimie, et Philippe Agard, Vice-doyen Recherche, innovation et international de la Faculté des Sciences et Ingénierie de Sorbonne Université)
- 9:45-10:45 : Hiroshi Kageyama (Université de Kyoto)
Recent Progress and Future Directions in Mixed-Anion Compounds - 10:45-10:50 : Remise du diplôme d'Ambassadeur par Sophie Guillaume et Philippe Agard
- 10:50-11:15 : pause café
- 11:15-11:35 : Arnaud Pérez (LCMCP)
Oxysulfide chemistry: new structure types for battery materials - 11:35-11:55 : Damien Dambournet (PHENIX)
Interplay between stereoactive Lone Pairs and Fluoride-Ion mobility in fluorite frameworks - 11:55-12:15 : Andrea Gauzzi (IMPMC)
Purely electronic Mott transitions in quadruple perovskites
Informations pratiques
- 23 Janvier 2025, de 9h à 12h15
- Amphi Charpak, niveau Saint-Bernard, Tours 22/23
- 4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris